20 Reasons to Create a Strategic Marketing Plan

If you’re considering developing a new one—or wondering why you should even have one—ColinKurtis highlights 20 reasons to develop a strategic marketing plan that’s customized for your company.
The end of 2016 is only a few short months away, and it’s time to look to the future.
What does 2017 have in store for your company?

1. Your company has financial plans and strategies for human resources; a marketing plan is just as essential.
2. The 4 Ps–Product, Place, Promotion, and Price–will all be redefined with the help of a solid strategy.
3. Your marketing plan helps define your target audience and how you connect with them, to better organize your efforts.
4. A solid strategy helps you understand your customers and their key needs.
5. A thorough plan highlights what makes you different—and how to highlight that difference to your customers.
6. A marketing plan keeps you from wasting marketing dollars, by focusing on clear targets and research goals.
7. When you create a marketing plan, you are creating a blueprint for all marketing actions.
8. Marketing plans can create a timeline of events 1 to 3 years into the future, for ultimate success.
9. An attentive marketing plan aligns your marketing efforts with your sales goals.
10. Marketing plans provide a platform to measure the effectiveness of your marketing and plan for future endeavors.
11. Well-constructed plans provide clear direction on media, public relations, and trade shows.
12. A well-conceived plan can help define how you will handle new product development and marketing.
13. Marketing plans provide clear direction for creative input and output, so you don’t have to re-think them every time.
14. Strong marketing plans provide a solid path for your brand to follow. Always.
15. Concrete marketing strategy creates a single ‘voice’ for all efforts and communication.
16. Strategic plans help boost internal communications, by keeping everyone on the same page.
17. Developing a concrete and concise marketing strategy is half the battle.
18. Following through with the marketing plan is the other half.
19. Eliminate the guesswork within your company—ColinKurtis can help you develop and implement a marketing plan that works for you.
20. ColinKurtis is a market leader in sound strategy. We are experienced in creating plans that deliver results. Let us create a plan together, to move your business forward.

Want to know more? Contact Mitch at 815.965.6657 ext. 1 or mitch@colinkurtis.com.

By | 2017-08-03T08:23:28+00:00 August 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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