20 Ways Better Creative Makes You a Better Brand


At ColinKurtis, we love great creative—and great strategy. To us, they are like bread and butter, we can’t talk about one without the other. We even lined one of our walls with, “Great strategy makes sense, great creative gets noticed, both get results.”

That’s why we thought we’d share our “20 Ways Better Creative Will Help Your Brand” list, which starts off with an important reality:

  1. Not everyone sees your sales people, but everyone will see your creative.
  2. The right creative will deliver on your overall strategy.
  3. The best creative matches your desired results with the proper path to get there.
  4. Proper creative will be on point with your corporate brand direction.
  5. Great creative doesn’t just look good, it visually communicates the right message.
  6. Smart creative reflects your brand’s personality.
  7. If you invest in getting your message out without investing in how that message looks and performs, you are wasting money.
  8. Great creative gets noticed—and remembered. ­
  9. Well-executed creative can set you apart in a competitive landscape.
  10. Outstanding creative is another way to one-up your competition.
  11. Creative can make or break your potential customers’ image of your brand.
  12. Consistently delivered creative develops brand trust.
  13. High-quality creative builds brand equity.
  14. Expert creative builds brand advocates in your marketplace.
  15. Compelling creative on a trade show booth will drive more foot traffic.
  16. Since creative stands for quality, it must be a great representation of your brand.90% of the sales cycle begins before personal contact, so your potential customers see your creative long before they see your sales people.
  17. Customer-focused web creative keeps visitors on your website longer, engaged & closer to conversion.
  18. Effective creative can be delivered at multiple touchpoints along your sales cycle.
  19. Consistent creative ensures your salespeople & marketing are telling the same great story.
  20. Great creative fits your industry—and ColinKurtis knows it better than anyone.

We believe great creative must be high quality, smart, and above all, just right.

Check out the creative on some of our latest work

[link to https://www.colinkurtis.com/our-work/]. Find out more by contacting New Account Development Manager Mitch at 815.965.6657 ext. 1 or mitch@colinkurtis.com.
By | 2017-08-03T08:23:30+00:00 May 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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