20 Ways to A Better Website

Whether you’re in the market to build a new website from scratch, or looking to update and revamp your existing site, these tips can help make the process less painful.

Getting started

  1. Think about what you want. Who is your target audience? What do you want your site to do?
  2. Don’t be afraid to bring others in. Interview your team members to generate ideas about goals for the site.
  3. What are the main goals of your site? Are you looking to generate sales leads? Selling products to consumers? Or are you simply trying to inform and educate? Nail down your motivations, NOW.
  4. Look to the competition. Browse competitors’ websites to see what you can do differently, take note of things that work for them, as well as those that don’t.

Content is King

  1. The key to any great website is relevant and current content; creating and maintaining new content is the best thing you can do for your website.
  2. The main focus should be on the content of your site. Site design is an important tool in your arsenal, but restrain yourself from making design choices too early in the process.
  3. Offer a clear navigation path for visitors, main parts of the site should only be a click or two away.
  4. Make your site visually appealing. Opt for some custom photography and graphics instead of straight stock images.
  5. Vary the length and format of website content, while continuously updating. Walls of text can steer people away from your site.
  6. Utilize infographics to break up pages and keep things interesting.

Make it Work

  1. Responsive design is one of the most compelling reasons to create a new website—ensure your site is easily viewed through a range of devices.
  2. Add a ‘call to action’ for visitors and consumers. Offer up a “Contact Us” option, or an “Add to Cart” feature. Meet consumers halfway, while giving them a reason to keep coming back.
  3. Contact forms are a great ‘call to action’, as well as a way to gather information from visitors to your site. By contacting you, they show interest in the site, which can help build client and contact lists.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t dead, utilize it. Consumers aren’t willing to click through four pages of Google search results to find your business.
  5. Get active on social media. A dedicated Facebook or LinkedIn page is often one of the first sources customers utilize when researching companies.
  6. Be in the know: find out what topics are hot right now and expand on them to drive traffic to your site.
  7. Keep track of and examine the analytics data and logistics behind your website, it can be useful in designing future content and promotion strategies.

Working it out

  1. Don’t go it alone. A dedicated full-service agency can take you through every step of creating a new website or redesigning an existing one.
  2. If you choose to go with an agency, find one who will stick with the project for the long haul. This includes developing and managing content and programming, as well as a plan for continual web updating to keep the site relevant.
  3. Consider using ColinKurtis for all your website needs. We specialize in website design and planning as well as social media.


By | 2017-08-03T08:23:28+00:00 July 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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