4 Alternative Marketing Strategies in 2020

In our current pandemic state, trade shows have been canceled across the world. Brands are missing those face-to-face connections and potentially missed opportunities. So how can brands reach new customers without in-person conferences? Well, as Ross famously shouted on FRIENDS, pivot, pivot, pivot — it’s time to look at alternative marketing strategies.


Here’s how ColinKurtis can help turn your trade show dollars into pivot success by embracing the digital space. 

  1. Participate in Virtual Trade Shows. Many conferences are moving to a virtual trade show, so reach out to see how you can be involved. They may offer you a list of attendees that you can use for an email campaign or marketing opportunities on the show’s email or social media channels. 
  2. Host a Webinar. You had a reason to go to the trade shows — to tell your story to connect with potential customers. Take that message to a webinar. 
  3. Create an Interactive Showroom. Most of the trade show booth was planned, so see how you can turn that design into a unique landing page, virtual showroom, or interactive brochure. 
  4. Re-evaluate Digital Platforms. Digital is on fire, so look into increasing social media advertising, boosting pay-per-click, or starting a podcast. Take advantage of the extra time and turn your sales professionals into virtual sales representatives by giving them the tools they need to connect with prospects through digital channels.

Pivoting can be challenging, but we are helping brands today navigate these unprecedented times.

ColinKurtis knows food- let us help your food and beverage brand with alternative marketing strategies, video, website design, user experience and user interface design. Let’s talk!


By | 2021-03-08T21:03:43+00:00 May 28th, 2020|Creative|0 Comments

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