5 Best Practices for B2B Video Marketing

Video marketing offers a versatile way for businesses to reach their audience. From customer testimonials to how-tos, explainers, and more—the possibilities are virtually (or, should I say, digitally) endless when it comes to video. Not only can you do just about anything with them, but video is also reported to be a whopping 600 percent more effective than print and direct mail advertising—combined! In the age of the internet, the vast majority of marketers agree that video content is more important now than ever before. 

While B2C is the most obvious form of video marketing, it’s not the only channel that benefits from video content. B2B companies can also see great benefits by implementing video into their marketing strategy. In fact, 79 percent of marketing teams in the B2B industry reported video is a key part of their strategies, and the majority rated video content as a highly effective marketing tactic. 

Video marketing is a powerful tool that, when done well, can offer incredible results to tell a brand story. Here are 5 tips for marketing your business in the B2B industry using video:

Determine your Style

The first step of creating a successful B2B marketing video is determining the style of video to best resonate with your company’s target audience. The style of video sends an instantaneous and subconscious message to your viewers that your company is trustworthy, fun, modern, and/or professional. There are a few different things to consider before deciding which style of video would work best for your business: your audience, your goal, your budget and your brand’s image. 

5 Best Practices for B2B Video Marketing

Knowing and understanding your target audience is arguably the most important step when crafting a successful marketing video. Research is needed to uncover the needs and motivations of your audience as well as key insights about the environment in which your product is sold. Once the proper research is conducted, the style of video can be determined. Some popular styles of video are:

  • Animation
  • Live-action
  • Whiteboard Videos
  •  Motion Graphics
  •  Typography
  •  Live Videos

Keep it Short and To-the-Point

We’ve all experienced the boredom that ensues after a commercial has been running just a little too long. Commercials that are minutes long dissolve the audience’s attention and are not very effective. Short-form videos are a much more effective way to keep your audience engaged, and many are following the trend of creating shorter-form content. According to a 2018 study, 75 percent of videos produced by B2Bs are under two minutes, compared with just 56 percent in 2017. 

Short-form videos are not only more effective at maintaining audience attention, but are also more successful at retaining information. Dr. A.K. Pradeep, head of the neuromarketing company NeuroFocus, reported in a study that shorter commercials are just as, if not more, effective than longer-form ads. “Our brains are so smart, they retain the key pieces of logic, the key pieces of the flow,”  said Dr. A.K. Pradeep. “If you threw out all the fillers … and got to the core, it’s a lot more effective.”

Try Using Emotional Appeals

Using emotion in video is a classic, surefire way to facilitate a connection between the people who watch your video and your business. The cold and calculating business model does not reach people in the same distinct way that a video based on emotions does. Using emotional appeals creates a lasting impact and works well. Think of Nike’s Just Do It campaign. Nike consistently uses emotional appeals in their advertising to inspire and connect with their audience. Their advertisements are memorable and resonate with anyone rooting for the underdog. Businesses can also implement emotional appeals for B2B communications. This video by the B2B company Phonexa uses emotional appeals that are meant to tug on the audience’s heartstrings.


Create Videos that Build Trust

Good businesses want to work with other good businesses. In other words, businesses want to know if your business is credible and up-to-par with their expectations. Creating high-quality video content is an effective way to show your B2B business is credible and trustworthy. Videos can show the human side of an organization by showcasing a company’s culture and business practices. Behind-the-scenes footage such as a virtual tour of your facility or production process also gives your clients a great insight into your business. Informative videos about your company and product can also sufficiently build credibility for your business. In fact, study results show customers are four times more interested in watching a video than reading about a product, making videos the perfect option for educating your audience.

Be Creative

Creating unique video content gives your company the edge to stand out from your competitors. It’s always better to offer something new and different to build a loyal base of customers. By creating videos that are engaging, compelling and memorable, your videos will be first-rate and produce outstanding results. Videos can also be a fun and easy way to showcase your brand’s personality. People love to laugh, and adding humor to your videos is a unique way to make videos stand out and more enjoyable to watch. You can analyze other creatives to see what has been successful and apply similar ideas in your strategy as well. This video by New Relic uses humor in an effective and entertaining way to sell their analytics service. 

Whether your video is for social media or your website, the team at ColinKurtis Advertising can help power your business to success. For more information, reach out to Mitch Robinson at Mitch@colinkurtis.com or call 815-965-6657 EXT. 1.

By | 2022-02-03T21:50:06+00:00 April 15th, 2021|Videos|0 Comments

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