Refreshed brand values incite customers and sales reps alike
Vapor Power
A ColinKurtis Case Study
Vapor Power’s new owners wanted to refresh their brand to better reflect its status in the marketplace. Vapor Power is a premier designer and manufacturer of boilers, steam generators and liquid phase heaters used worldwide.
When we got together with the folks at Vapor Power, we found that the company’s marketing materials were lacking a relevant visual presence, both literally and figuratively. Not only did their website need an updated look, it was virtually ‘invisible’ to the world when searched on Google. And, their print collateral needed a refresh as well. Through a keen discovery process, we found that the website and print collateral needed to be functional and appealing to Vapor Power’s customers and independent sales reps alikes.
Since discovery is in the details and content is king, a combined effort was made upfront to drill down to the proper information, functionality, and structure the website required. Print collateral underwent the same scrutiny so that functionality, content, and technical info could be distilled and united with top line selling propositions.
Now, customers, sales reps, and employees can easily find the information they need online, and on paper. An updated, high-quality creative concept matches the selling proposition of Vapor Power’s premium capital goods. Today, Vapor Power has a marketing presence with the same powerful steam as their products.