Favorite Ads from ColinKurtis Advertising

Great ads have unique ways of capturing our attention. Consider Progressive Insurance and their humorous relatability, or Budweiser’s ability to portray power and persistence through their famous Clydesdales. Sure, ads are selling you something, but these iconic brands know how to appeal to an idea that connects you to their product. See these—and more of our team members’ favorites—below.


“DIRECTV Hates Puppies” commercial:

Why we like it: “This is always the first ad that comes to mind when anyone asks for a favorite ad, and I’m not totally sure why I remember it so clearly after all these years later. Probably because it’s such a silly, dramatic way to call out competitors. Plus, who doesn’t love an ad with puppies?” – Erin, Copywriter

Yo Quiero Taco Bell

Why we like it: “With the recent surge in ’90s nostalgia combined with the ever-increasing number of ads featuring animals, it might be the perfect time for Taco Bell to bring back its beloved talking Chihuahua. This campaign was a true cultural phenomenon in the late 90’s, with kids and adults alike reciting the tagline, ‘Yo quiero Taco Bell.’” – Stacy, Quality Assurance Specialist

Education Connection Commercial Jingle

Why we like it: “Nostalgia is a big factor. The song is genuinely catchy and the video is so goofy and fun.” – Eric, Social & Digital Media Coordinator

BMW with Christopher Walken

Why we like it: “My favorite ad because the impressions are spot on. It’s memorable for me because I like the actor and I drive a BMW.” – Penny, Internal Sales Coordinator

Budweiser’s Clydesdales

Why we like it: In 1933, Budweiser President August Busch Sr. received Clydesdale horses from his son in honor of Prohibition being repealed. Now synonymous with Budweiser, the Clydesdales serve as a tangible reminder of the brand’s endurance and memorability. 

Curious how to make your food, beverage or nutrition brand stand out and connect better with your audience base? Contact Mitch Robinson at Mitch@colinkurtis.com or call 815.965.6657 EXT. 1 to learn about ColinKurtis’ capabilities. 


Blog post from:

Matt Hensler

Matt Hensler
Chief Marketing Officer


By | 2024-11-04T16:26:57+00:00 November 4th, 2024|Creative, Design, Digital Marketing, Uncategorized, Videos|0 Comments

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