Getting More INspired at NRA 2018

It’s pretty safe to say foodservice is one of the most trend-driven industries around, so it’s important to keep up with the latest, to keep things, well…‘fresh’. Consumers continue to raise their expectations as their interests, tastes and dietary concerns change. That’s why we attend the National Restaurant Association Show each year, so we can better serve our clients with the latest information.

While we’re there, we make every daypart count, walking and talking or sitting and chatting with our existing and prospective clients. Never worked with us? We INvite you to meet up at the show so you can find out how ColinKurtis provides the INformation, INspiration and INtegration you need to succeed in a competitive and dynamic marketplace.

Whether you’re exhibiting or walking the show to see the newest innovative concepts in foodservice, you can take steps to elevate your marketing strategy at the same time.

Let’s get together so you can gain more INsight into how our winning brand strategies have helped our food industry clients succeed over the past 20 years. We’d love to help you as well!

See you in Chicago!
National Restaurant Association Show 2018
May 18-22

By | 2018-05-09T15:49:47+00:00 April 26th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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