How to Improve Lead Web Generation on Your Website

Websites are at the center of every business and, not surprisingly, at the center of lead generation. Nearly all of your marketing efforts should link back to your website, which is why it is important to have strong content and captivating call-to-actions to help generate leads. 61% of B2B marketers state that generating good-quality leads is their number one challenge, so here are some tips and tricks to improve the number and quality of leads from your website:

Simplify Your Forms

Most leads begin with getting information from a contact form. However, be careful not to collect too much information. To encourage people to fill out the form, keep it short and select a few questions wisely. This will ensure you get the most relevant information without losing interest.

Create Multiple Forms

Find creative ways to get leads beyond the traditional “contact us” form. For example, in order to download your company’s whitepaper, have people fill out a basic form to get their name, email and company name. You now have enough information to follow up with them and have learned about their interests through what they chose to download.

Make Your Call-To-Actions Stand Out

There are many ways to make your CTAs stand out. By using short, clear phrases, you will gain the attention of potential leads. You can also make the CTAs personalized for an even higher success rate. Personalized CTAs can improve your conversion rate by 42% compared to basic CTAs. Testing different CTA options is also always a good idea because you can learn what phrases resonate best with potential leads.

Landing Pages

Having even a few landing pages on your website will significantly increase the leads you receive. Landing pages can deliver a more focused message that will direct the user to your CTA. This is more likely to end as a potential lead rather than expecting someone to find a CTA or contact form on your home page.

Show Examples of Your Work

One of the best ways to get people interested in your business is to show examples or have customers provide endorsements. Case studies are a great way to show off your work. They provide potential leads with a way to consume the information easily while understanding the quality of work you can produce. Testimonials from past or current customers are also great because potential leads are more likely to trust a third-party opinion. While these examples don’t directly translate into leads, they will give potential customers confidence in your company and are more likely to be interested in learning more.

Take Advantage of Your Blog

Producing high-quality blog posts that are relevant to your audience can help with lead generation. Companies that blog can bring in 67% more leads per month than companies that don’t. Blogs can increase the traffic coming to your website, which means a higher potential of converting a visitor into a lead.

Offer Something in Exchange

Another way to increase your conversion rate is to offer gated content. Gated content can come in many different forms, including whitepapers, case studies, or ebooks, and always offers something of value to the customer. This type of content is great for lead generation because it benefits both sides – the customer gets content and you get their information in return.

Follow Up!

You’ve piqued their interest…now what? To maintain someone’s interest in your company, follow up with them. Send a thank-you email after they’ve filled out your contact form and continue to send relevant content to ensure they will become a customer, not a dead end.

Think your website could be better optimized for lead generation? Contact Mitch Robinson at or call 815.965.6657 EXT. 1, and find out how ColinKurtis Advertising can help.

By | 2022-02-02T21:59:01+00:00 October 19th, 2021|Creative|0 Comments

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