How to Make the Private Label Bestseller List

When private label manufacturers don’t make the most of their marketing efforts, they sell themselves short—and can end up on a waitlist instead of a purchase order.

How can they optimize their business?

Today, we chatted with ColinKurtis founder and president, Colin Kampmier, who shared how private label marketing can maximize sales.

Colin says private label manufacturers can ask themselves three simple questions to find out if their marketing efforts are ready to deliver best-selling results:

1.  “Are we up-to-date with today’s market standards?”

Take a look at your digital presence; is your website active, evolving and responsive—so that customers can access it on their tablet or smart phone—or is it behind the times? It’s crucial to keep your website active and dynamic, and to develop new information and useful tools for your customers.

75% of American users now access digital content on both desktop and mobile devices.

2.  “Do we stand out in the crowd?”

You know that your product offers something unique; it’s essential to communicate that unique selling proposition to your potential customers. Does your messaging prove to retailers that you are current—ready to present and meet the latest trends? How does your image make that statement; is there a cohesive look to your packaging?

If you’re stopping short of giving retailers the reason you’re different—the reason to use you instead of your competitors—you must find ways to differentiate your products and services from your competition and show potential buyers why yours is better.

Up to 90% of the buying process takes place before the prospect even engages a sales person.

3.  “Are we optimizing our existing customers?”

Your existing buyers are an extremely valuable resource, for many reasons. If you’re not meeting all of their needs and they aren’t purchasing all of your SKUs, work harder to optimize your relationship. In order to sell more SKUs to more customers, your marketing efforts need to be targeted and consistent.

Consider targeting your marketing with one or all of the following:

  • a focused eblast campaign
  • a targeted direct mail campaign
  • an aggressive pre-trade show approach

B2B marketers with a marketing strategy are nearly 300% more likely to be effective.

ColinKurtis knows private label. And better yet, we understand it! We know how to effectively communicate your brand to grocery retailers. When it comes to private label, we know how to utilize marketing efforts that get your brand noticed—and purchased—by buyers. Don’t end up waitlisted, when ColinKurtis can help make you a private label bestseller.

Check out some of our latest work

[link to] we’d love to be your private label marketing partner. Find out more by contacting New Account Development Manager Mitch at 815.965.6657 ext. 1 or
By | 2017-08-03T08:23:34+00:00 November 10th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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