How to Successfully Navigate the AI Revolution

Whenever you’re on the internet searching for relevant information, you most likely see some sort of “fluff”—content that just seems to fill the space. It’s not unique, doesn’t take a fresh approach to the topic—and you feel like you’ve already read it somewhere else. So far, this seems to be how artificial intelligence (AI) content is working, taking what’s already out there and repurposing it for other formats by piecing together existing content.

However, there are ways in which marketers and brands can utilize AI tools, safely and effectively, to their benefit. For starters, AI can be a general icebreaker for brainstorming, a very basic research tool (with caveats) and a first step in assembling talking points. The most important things to note are that AI tools will not replace the need for humans to add a personalized, consistent and branded touch to content, and it has its limitations—like all tools.

What is AI?

According to Wikipedia, AI is intelligence—perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information—demonstrated by computers, as opposed to intelligence displayed by humans or by other animals.

AI has some promising pros:

  1. Automating repetitive tasks: it can quickly generate pieces of basic content, leaving marketers the time and room to focus on more important aspects such as strategy, creativity or more complex tasks.
  2. Quality assurance and testing: proofreading, checking grammar and identifying stylistic inconsistencies are some of its perks, allowing writers to focus on delivering key information and compelling messaging to readers.
  3. Data-driven approach and A/B testing: for example, some AI tools can help you determine which email subject line is more likely to catch a reader’s eye.

AI isn’t completely new to humans. We’ve interacted with AI long before ChatGPT, with models like Siri or Alexa, customer service chatbots and more. Of course, as with any innovation that’s in the stages of being tested in the real world, it has its limitations.

According to the famous model itself, ChatGPT, here are ways that AI’s limitations can negatively affect your marketing:

  1. Lack of real-time information: The data available to it only goes up until September 2021, meaning everything it produces is not current or on-trend. There’s still a need for relevant research outside of AI.
  2. Inability to provide personal experiences or opinions: true thought leadership requires some personalized or informed opinions. You certainly don’t want to echo what your competitors are saying.
  3. Misinterpretation: ChatGPT can occasionally provide incorrect information, which would need to be fact-checked and proofed by humans familiar with the subject matter to ensure only the correct information is provided.

Answers to Your Burning Questions about AI

Now, with AI, there’s a bit of uncertainty with how and if content creation will be affected, especially with so many tools out already. One thing is for sure: ColinKurtis Advertising’s team of marketing experts is researching the latest AI trends to help you understand first-hand how this will impact your brand.

Straight from the Source

In fact, we asked Bard and ChatGPT how they’ll affect copywriting. Here were their answers: 

From Bard: “It is still too early to say what the long-term impact of AI will be on copywriting. However, it is clear that AI has the potential to both disrupt and improve the industry. Copywriters who are able to embrace AI and use it to their advantage are likely to be the ones who succeed in the future.”

From ChatGPT: “It’s important to note that while AI offers valuable assistance to copywriters, it does not replace human creativity, intuition and the ability to understand complex emotions and cultural nuances. The collaboration between AI and copywriters can lead to more efficient workflows, improved content quality and enhanced results in marketing and advertising campaigns.”

Regulating AI Around the Globe

The rapid adoption of AI technologies has sparked excitement and alarm, as they have the potential to disrupt multiple industries simultaneously. OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman, testified before Congress, emphasizing the need for regulators to establish limits on powerful AI systems due to concerns about the potential to cause “significant harm to the world.”

Currently, governments worldwide are engaged in debates about regulating or even prohibiting certain uses of AI. The key question is: “Who will take the lead in shaping the trajectory of AI in this global economy?”

In the U.S., various entities are looking to regulate AI: Congress, the Biden Administration, federal agencies like the Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission. Several states also have introduced AI-related legislation.

Europe and China are also active in regulating AI, with the EU passing comprehensive legislation and China incentivizing domestic AI products while defining their operational boundaries.

Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, acknowledged that the country wants AI to continue growing, and they might be the first country to have a digital charter that will help “establish oversight” and “ban reckless and malicious AI use.”

“Canada is likely to be the first country in the world to have a digital charter where we’re going to have a chapter on responsible AI because we want AI to happen here,” François-Philippe Champagne said.

The proposed charter—part of Bill C-27—would ban “reckless and malicious” AI use, establish oversight by a commissioner and the industry minister, and impose financial penalties.

All of these actors around the world are debating and competing to lead the regulatory efforts, making it difficult to quickly create action and effective regulation. However, it’s clear to all that proactive measures are needed soon to ensure positive impacts.

Working Together with AI 

The rise of AI presents opportunities and challenges for every industry. While AI tools can assist with content generation, human creativity and an understanding of readers’ emotions and needs remain vital. ColinKurtis continues to actively explore the possibilities and benefits as well as the limitations and risks of AI. We’re staying informed, ensuring it is used effectively and safely, to enhance the marketing field in a positive way or to solve challenges rather than creating new ones. 

While the future of AI is uncertain for now, ColinKurtis remains up to date on all the latest tools and trends available to marketers today, including AI tools. Learn more about how our creative and strategic processes can benefit your food, beverage and nutrition brand by contacting Mitch Robinson at or call 815-965-6657 EXT. 1.


Blog post from:

Valette Piper-Bledsoe

Valette Piper-Bledsoe
Vice President, Client Services


By | 2023-07-21T18:01:29+00:00 July 21st, 2023|Copywriting, Creative, Design, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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