New CK Website Goes Live

A lot of exciting new things have been going on at ColinKurtis. We’ve been busy, to say the least. At CK, we’ve been growing in all kinds of ways, most importantly, growing our customers’ business, and we want to share some of the goodness with you.

All this activity inspired us to reinvent our own website,, as well. We redesign our clients’ sites all the time; this time, we followed our own advice and updated ours, inside and out! We think design+strategy=the perfect blend, so our new CK website is a tasty mix filled with goodness, fresh case studies and news you can use. See how CK has solved challenges and invigorated brands, what we have to offer and what makes us tick. You might find yourself a little inspired and informed.

Along with our new site, we are rolling out our blog for updates on what’s new in the world of branding. We’ll share items of interest and throw in a few tips and tricks, for good measure.

Oh, and thanks for the inspiration!

By | 2017-08-03T08:23:38+00:00 June 23rd, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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