We are proud to be redesigning the website of our new client Powder Process-Solutions. Not only is PPS the premier manufacturer of customized powder processing equipment and turn-key solutions for powder processing, they serve the food and beverage industry, which you might say has been our bread and butter. We like to think of it as working in the best of both worlds!

The new website will be a responsive showcase and resource that reflects all PPS products and services, which start with the superior design and accurate installation of powder handling equipment and conclude with the precise execution of each and every project.

Powder Process-Solutions has been in the business of bulk powder processing solutions since 1971. We think their business success is explained by their philosophy, which we are excited to help highlight:

  • Identify unique needs
  • Engineer customized solutions
  • Deliver superior results

We hope this is just the beginning of a long, pow(d)erful relationship!

By | 2017-12-04T16:52:32+00:00 December 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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