Thank you for the most successful year in ColinKurtis Advertising history.

We had gangbuster growth in 2015, thanks to our amazing clients and the increased roles and responsibilities they have given us.

As a matter of fact, we’ve grown so much that we were beginning to burst at the seams! Therefore, we’re excited to announce our newly expanded office space. We think it’s a perfect blend of our cool ‘old’ space combined with a fresh new outlook.

Here are just a few reasons we’re loving it:

At double the size, it’s twice the nice, giving us some much-needed elbow room—since additional staff has joined us to serve our clients’ growing needs. We’ve added an account manager, account coordinator, project manager, and copywriter to our mix, and they’ve been working elbow-to-elbow with our existing team to get things done.

Our new, larger, and technically savvy conference room can better accommodate client meetings and strategy sessions, whether they are virtual or face-to-face, and maybe an occasional pizza party.

A dedicated creative gathering space allows our creative team to think and work collaboratively. And, since our creatives are always thinking, the expansion also provides separate office space for their individual ideations.

Our creative and strategic thinkers work together to customize perfectly integrated blends that accomplish your marketing goals.

We wish all of our current and prospective clients, vendors and business partners a prosperous 2016.

Stay tuned—we have more exciting things in store, and something tells us it’s going to be another great year.

By | 2017-08-03T08:23:34+00:00 February 3rd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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