At ColinKurtis, we believe that every individual brings a certain skill set, a special talent, and a unique point of view to the process. We work diligently at working together every day so that each client and each project benefits from the sum of all our ‘parts’. Since we work so hard together, every once in awhile we take the time to play together as well.

In that spirit, we headed down to Loaded Brush Night at Studio 317, our local art studio and gallery, to get artsy together while enjoying delicious food, beverages and each other’s company. Through an arduous democratic process, we selected our painting: Autumn Stroll, an appropriately seasonal landscape.

Our friendly and knowledgeable guide had us prepped and ready to go, equipped with a stark white canvas, two brushes, paint water, and daubs of white, black, yellow and burnt sienna paint. Sounds simple, right? We overcame our trepidation and followed the leader, plunging right in with a bold black line across the middle of the canvas. Like anything worth doing, that first step was daunting, but easier than it first seemed.

We followed with broad strokes of vivid color, as we each tackled our individual canvas in our own way, slow and deliberate or quick and spontaneous. Laughter, food, and drink was plentiful throughout, and in the spirit of collaboration, we paused often to check out and encourage each other’s work.

Fast forward to the end of the night…we each left armed with a ‘masterpiece’. When we lined them up together the next day at the office, one thing was apparent. Though we started with the same set of physical tools and ingredients and a general guideline, each of us had approached and created a painting that was slightly different than the next, but with its own appeal. Turns out, just like at work, when we collaborate together, the results are striking.

By | 2017-08-03T08:23:26+00:00 December 2nd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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