The CK Baseball Odyssey

//The CK Baseball Odyssey

The CK Baseball Odyssey


At ColinKurtis, we know how to work—and play—hard. So, to commemorate some of our recent home-run efforts, we decided to watch someone else play hard.

We took off bright and early on a beautiful Friday morning, gathered our co-workers and piled into a fancy party bus—destination: Wrigleyville Rooftops, for the Cubs vs. the Phillies.

The trip there was full of lively conversation as we got to know our coworkers’ BFFs (yep, we got to bring guests!), shared funny stories and took in the skyline, lake and neighborhoods through the bus windows.

The game was full of food, folks and fun, both inside and out. The folks at had us step up to the plate for our choice of delicious Italian beef sandwiches, Chicago style hot dogs, brats and burgers. We may or may not have also bellied up to the bar(s) located inside and out, upstairs and down. And oh yeah, baseball was being played out on the field. The final score doesn’t matter, because, well, it’s just best not to talk about it.


The trip back was memory-making—we started out full of more fun and laughter, stopped for pizza along the way and then, the bus lost its mojo. More specifically, its serpentine belt. Luckily, the driver was able to drive us safely to the DeKalb oasis, where he called for reinforcements. A couple of hours and a fancy replacement limo later, we were back on the road and the journey continued, except that some of the laughter may have been replaced by occasional snores.

Our next adventure awaits! Find out where we end up next…

BONUS: In the waning hours of the return voyage, one member of the CK team launched into a diatribe about running for public office, loudly proclaiming: “Ducks ARE fish!”

Can you guess who it was?

By | 2017-08-03T08:23:36+00:00 August 4th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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