Welcome Danny to the CK Team

Danny recently joined our team as a Senior Copywriter. We wanted to get to know him a little better with a Q&A.

What is your new role at ColinKurtis?

I’m a senior copywriter slash conceptual creative thinker slash wordsmith problem solver. I’ve been telling stories across one medium or another my whole life, and now I strive to do the same for CK’s clients.

What does a typical day look like? 

Think. Write. Proof. Tell someone they’re on “mute.” Re-write. Think some more. Snack. Think again. Proof again. Write some more.

What part of your role do you enjoy the most?

It probably sounds like a cop-out, but there isn’t much that I dislike about the creative process in general. But more specifically, I live for eureka moments. Solving for X as a writer – that’s my jam.

Can you tell us a little about your professional background?

I started off as a junior writer/social-media coordinator for a small agency in St. Louis out of college, before moving on to a bigger agency in Chicago called Usphot, where I was sort of a swiss-army wordsmith, writing for everything from Corona beer to LiftMaster garage-door openers. I was all over the place, but it was a blast. And now I’m at CK!

How do you enjoy spending your time outside the office?

I’m a very social person who loves to spend as much time with friends as possible. I’m also a big-time movie lover as well as a hockey and baseball fan (go Blues/Cards/White Sox!). Oh, and I’m a dynamite wedding-hashtag writer.

 What did you want to be when you grew up?

Taxidermist. Jk. Cartoonist then eventually a screenwriter.

Learn more about the rest of our team here.

By | 2021-02-16T22:43:43+00:00 February 16th, 2021|Creative|0 Comments

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