Welcome Emma to the CK Team

What is your new role at ColinKurtis?

I’m the new Media Relations Coordinator at ColinKurtis!

What does a typical day look like?

I start my day by making a cup of coffee and then checking my email and calendar for any meetings I may have that day. Then I get started on whatever project I’m working on whether that can be a press release, media report, interview questions, etc. I spend the rest of the day attending status meetings with clients and continuing work on various projects.

What part of your role do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy working with such interesting clients and writing PR for the food and beverage industry. For me, it is exciting to be at the forefront of new advancements and trends in an industry that is constantly evolving. I love continuously learning more about the industry each day.

Can you tell us a little about your professional background?

I graduated from Grand Valley State University with my Bachelor’s in Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in PR. I was also a minor in Spanish which I think speaks to my love of language. I started with ColinKurtis as an intern and was then offered a part-time position as Media Relations Coordinator. I then worked at another agency for a year on the account team and am now back with CK working in Media Relations!

How do you enjoy spending your time outside the office?

Recently one of my favorite past-times has been crocheting. I love thinking up new projects and the sense of accomplishment I get from creating something new! I also like going to the gym, trying new restaurants, traveling, and camping.

What did you want to be when you grew up (before you knew you would have a career in marketing)?

Before marketing, I thought about pursuing a career in education. I’m very lucky to have had many amazing teachers who have made a great impact on me throughout my life.

By | 2022-08-24T18:08:04+00:00 August 24th, 2022|Copywriting, Creative, Design|0 Comments

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