Welcome Matthew to the CK Team

Matthew recently joined our team as our Director of Digital Optimization. We wanted to get to know him a little better with a Q&A. 

What is your new role at ColinKurtis? I will be focusing on SEO and PPC (paid Google Ads).

What does a typical day look like?  My typical day will be a mix of checking on the paid accounts, implementing optimizations, attending meetings, and completing some scheduled SEO tasks. 

What part of your role do you enjoy the most? I enjoy Ddigging into client’s websites, discovering a problem, and figuring out how to solve it ,with elegance and a smile. 

Can you tell us a little about your professional background? I have been practicing the mystical art of digital marketing for over 15 years. I have worked onwith a variety of clients. Most recently, I worked for Edelman as a Director of SEO for some key clients. 

How do you enjoy spending your time outside the office? My hobbies include swimming, woodworking / doing stuff around the house, cooking, biking and hiking with the family. What did you want to be when you grew up (before you knew you would have a career in marketing)? I wanted to be an astronaut when I was in elementary school. It looked like so much fun to float—even better than floating underwater with a scuba tank on since it would last longer.

Learn more about the rest of our team here.


By | 2020-08-13T19:49:32+00:00 July 28th, 2020|Creative|0 Comments

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